Voting pictures on Facebook? Yes or no?

Voting pictures on Facebook? Are they a crap or a great tool which help you obtain a higher range of your posts?

Something like that didn't exist until there was only a LIKE button on Facebook. However, since new reaction icons representing love, laugh, cry, surprised or angry have been developed, many other unplanned things came to usage (as usual on the Internet).

You must have noticed that in many cases the new reaction icons have become voting pictures on Facebook. A post maker is asking you if you like chocolate while a “heart” icon means YES and a “cry” icon means NO. So simple and funny in the same way. And the prettiest thing is (from the post maker point of view) that people are willing to keep clicking!

Based on the fact you are on our website and we are trying to give you advises how to increase your “Facebook reach” thus the organic range of your Facebook page posts, we, of course, suggest you to keep on using this kind of communication with your fans.

We have also created a tool for generating this kind of voting pictures which you can easily find in this section of the website. But keep in mind, that it is really important to estimate a suitable way how to use this function so you can avoid getting your fans bored or even angry. The best suitable use of the tool depends on the Facebook page where the voting picture would be applied.

Here are some useful tips for voting pictures on Facebook:

  • In case you run some amusing portal or only a Facebook page with some amusing content, your fans would be probably happy to vote also in case you would post 3 or more pictures per day.
  • In case you maintain some news coverage, do not exaggerate. In case you are used to posting on your Facebook page 10 posts per day (including web links, photos or videos), try to add one of this kind of pictures per day and see what happens. If the reactions will be mostly positive, go with 2 or 3 after some time. But if you get more criticized eliminate them for few pictures per week.
  • As far as your website is really serious, do not come under the temptation to gain higher “reach” (organic range) to the detriment of your good name. Do not ruin your reputation by stupid questions and always think twice before posting a voting picture. One good idea could make higher “reach” than three bad decisions.

And there's more...

  • In case you run some e-shop you can do a voting related to your products and try to include also some kind of competition (or do some voting about what price your customers could compete for and you will do a promotion to your competition at the same time). But don't forget to think about the volume and content of the voting pictures. It is said that sometimes less is more, but keep in mind that every customer could be specific. Different things work for a shop with a dog food (you can always go for a voting for the cutest dog) but you would definitely need to use another strategy in case of e-shops with luxury goods which are focused on people who don't usually prefer this kind of entertainment.
  • Keep eye on the voting statistics - the number of votes via Facebook reaction icons. When people don't vote something is wrong. They got probably bored or encouraged to vote about something they are not interested in, or maybe you have just overdone and they got tired of frequent voting. Then you should reduce the volume and get focused more on the quality.
  • Watch comments under your posts. Are they positive or negative? Reactions of your fans will let you know what are they interested for. If there is some picture with 1000 votes and two of them are not positive about the content, don't be afraid. However, if there are only a few votes and the majority of them are negative, you have probably done something wrong.

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